Rescue Task Force Run for Rescue 53
By 1st Class FF Bill Cummings
September 5, 2016

Late this afternoon, Rescue 53 was dispatched as part of the Chester County Rescue Task Force Rope Rescue Team to assist Station 69 (Twin Valley FD) with an injured hiker stuck on the rocks behind the St. Peter's Village in Warwick Township. Rescue and Squad 53 made the response with six rope rescue technicians and several support personnel. Once on scene, CCRTF crews assisted the local fire and EMS crews with packaging and removal of the victim to an awaiting ambulance. He was transported to a local hospital for care. Fame crews returned to station shortly after 7:00 pm.

Units: Rescue 53, Squad 53
Mutual Aid: Ladder and Rescue 69. (CCRTF Units Rescue 47, Rescue 68, Ladder 25, Squad 47, Utility and ATV 25, Medic 2)